Nancy Andreason

Nancy Andreason, BulletProof Real Estate Agent, Realtor in Newport Beach CA

Nancy has had her sales license since 2006. She received her broker's license in 2009 – this means that you will have a professional agent with over 18 years of excellent skills and expert knowledge working for you. Nancy’s clients and co-workers say she is the hardest worker they know. She works throughout Orange County and Los Angeles County. Nancy’s team consists of Kelly, Wirchak, of Cardinal Escrow who expertly handles the escrow process. John Siens, Chicago Title handles the probate transactions and Allie Poore of Equity Title handles the traditional sales. Nancy handles all negotiation herself and you have access to her. The administrative side is delegated to those who handle it best. Jessica Bland is her Transaction Coordinator and makes sure all of the I’s are dotted and t’s crossed, so that we are in compliance.

When she was working for Century 21 Masters, she consistently earned the Centurion Producer Award. It is a symbol of excellence earned by only an elite group of Century 21 Sales Professionals. She truly does work Smarter, Bolder and Faster! Nancy is an achiever, has high energy and thoroughly enjoys her work in sales. Century 21 Corporate selects 6 agents, each quarter, out of 52,000 agents for the ‘Relentless Agent Award’ for giving Outstanding Client Service - Going Above and Beyond. The last quarter of 2019, Nancy was selected for this award. In 2020, Nancy made the change to Coldwell Banker, where she also was one of the top agents. She found her ‘forever home’ with Coldwell Banker Realty in Newport Beach. It is the #1 Coldwell Banker office in the Nation. There she is surrounded by likeminded professionals in a thriving office.

In addition to traditional sales, Nancy's specialty/niche market is selling probate and trust estate properties. She works very well with the family member(s) who is the executor or administrator. She understands that an administrator's or executor's role can become frustrating and sometimes even overwhelming. An executor/Administrator may have to deal with legal issues, get the property ready for sale, deal with difficult family members and a myriad of unexpected details. She is there to alleviate that. If the family needs an estate sale company Nancy will refer several. If work needs to be done on the property, Nancy can coordinate the updates and repairs. Nancy ALWAYS does what is best for her clients. If you are looking for a tough negotiator, a professional who will get the job done well, put Nancy to work!

On a personal note, Nancy moved to Southern California in 1980 and lived in Play Del Rey and the Westchester area. After getting married, she and her husband moved to Long Beach where they purchased his dental practice and their first home. In 1985 they moved to Fountain Valley. Nancy and her husband, Steve, raised their five children in Fountain Valley. Their daughter, Lindsey, lives close by in Huntington Beach. She retired as a dental hygienist—after having their third child and is enjoying being a very busy full time mom and home schools her children. Her husband, Randal, is a fireman/paramedic/engineer with LA County. Their greatest achievement is producing three grandchildren! Corey is working on building his own entrepreneurial business. Their son Wes, lives in Montana with his wife, Katie, and their son. Wes is a former Navy SEAL, he now does training for various agencies and elite forces and is building a business. Katie, his wife, was a civil engineer and was able to ‘retire’ and become a busy full-time mom.) The two youngest children live in Utah. Greg is working for an electrical company, learning the trade of an electrician. Their daughter, Ashley, works in train maintenance. In the past, Nancy was very active in the schools, community and still is active in their church. Steve is a former dentist and had to retire early, due to early onset Parkinson's Disease. For the past 7 years, he has had an amazing caregiver, who is an integral part of their family. Family is most important to her. It is her "Why". She adores her Grandchildren and loves being Grandma. They enjoy an occasional family get away out to their river house on the Colorado River. Nancy also enjoys gardening, taking a lot of family pictures, travelling and scuba diving--which is turning into snorkeling with her grandchildren!




Roger Scott

Makerting Agent

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Roger Scott

Makerting Agent

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Roger Scott

Makerting Agent

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840 Newport Center Dr. #100, Newport Beach, CA 92660

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